Cyclamen Society Field Study: Southern Turkey 2009

In November 2009 a second field study took place, surveying from the extreme western
population of Cyclamen cilicium on Baria and then working eastwards to join up
with the 2008 research area. In this western part of the range, C.cilicium was
known to grow on the northern side of the mountains and it was a principal
objective to assess this both in terms of frequency and extent.

This area included all the places where C. cilicium is collected
commercially and the only known site of C. cilicium f. album.

Unfortunately, although the part of the Turkish Ministry of Agriculture
that approves C.I.T.E.S. applications gave their approval to export wild
collected material and issued a certificate, another part of the same
ministry refused permission to collect the plants on the basis that they
did not want genetic material leaving Turkey.

A full report of the 2008 & 2009 field studies was published in the
Cyclamen Society Journal Vol. 34 No. 1, June 2010.

44 sites were surveyed, 16 in depth with the plants measured and allocated CSE numbers, the plants were then prepared as herbarium specimens.
From the remaining sites only a small representative unmeasured sample was collected and prepared as herbarium specimens. 342 plants were allocated CSE numbers (341 C. cilicium and one C. maritimum).

A small number of plants also had material prepared for DNA analysis upon return.
Although the sites were extensively photographed only a few plants, principally the C. cilicium f. album were photographed and identified with their CSE number.

CSE Plants Southern Turkey, 2009.

If plant images are available they may be viewed by clicking on the purple CSE plant number.

CSE Plant Nos.Site No.SpeciesDescription
09001T-09020T09/01C. cilicium
09021T-09045T09/04C. cilicium
09046T-09070T09/07C. cilicium
09071T09/08C. ciliciumforma album
09072T09/08C. ciliciumforma album
09073T09/08C. ciliciumforma album
09074T09/08C. ciliciumforma album
09075T09/08C. ciliciumforma album
09076T09/08C. ciliciumforma album
09077T09/08C. ciliciumforma album
09078T09/08C. ciliciumforma album
09079T09/08C. ciliciumforma album
09080T09/08C. ciliciumforma album
09081T09/08C. ciliciumforma album
09082T09/08C. ciliciumforma album
09083T09/08C. ciliciumforma album
09084T09/08C. ciliciumforma album
09085T09/08C. ciliciumforma album
09086T-09110T09/08C. cilicium
09111T-09119T09/10C. cilicium
09120T09/11C. maritimum
09121T-09151T09/13C. cilicium
09152T-09161T09/15C. cilicium
09162T09/20C. ciliciumSample collected for DNA analysis.
09163T-09184T09/21C. cilicium
09185T-09210T09/23C. cilicium
09211T-09238T09/26C. cilicium
09239T-09241T09/28C. cilicium
09242T-09247T09/29C. cilicium
09248T-09260T09/30C. cilicium
09261T09/33C. ciliciumSample collected for DNA analysis.
09261T-09289T09/33C. cilicium
09290T-09315T09/40C. cilicium
09316T-09342T09/44C. cilicium
Distribution map of C.cilicium. Blue flags for 2008, yellow for 2009 and pink for other field studies.
Map© 2010 Google – map data© 2010 Basarsoft, Tele Atlas.

Acknowledgements. The team would like to thank Prof Dr Neriman Ozhatay for her support and advice, and for the tireless way that she acted on our behalf to try and obtain the necessary permissions for our studies. Evrim Tabur for her enthusiastic efforts in the field, her companionship, her sense of humour and her tolerance of a group of fanatical middle-aged English guys.
We would like to thank the various bodies involved in the issue of CITES export and import licences and of phytosanitary certificates. These include the technical committee of TAGEM (the Turkish Ministry of Agriculture), the CITES licensing office of Animal Health at Defra, TARIM (the Turkish Ministry of Agriculture’s research organisation) for permission to collect plants in 2008, and the Plant Health inspection team at East Midlands airport in the UK. We would also like to thank Bob and Rannwig Wallis for sharing with us information from their trips with Ronald and Erna Frank.