A Field Study following on from the 1991-93 studies of C. rhodium,
concentrating on the Dodecanese island of Kos, Symi and
Rhodes. Apr-May 1998.
The principal objective of the Field Study was to locate
and survey populations of C. rhodium reported by
Dr David Thomas whilst holidaying on Kos in April 1996,
and to positively identify the species. Following this,
the study was to extend the Society’s knowledge of
other cyclamen species in the Dodecanese islands,
by surveying the rest of the island of Kos, and the
islands of Symi and Rhodes.
Symi was potentially interesting due to its close
proximity (7 miles, 11 km) to the C. alpinum site
(97/051) found by the Society in 1997 on the
Turkish Datça Peninsula.
An extensive report of this field study was published in the
Cyclamen Society Journal Vol. 23 No. 1, June 1999.
Abridged field notes referenced by site number follow
this table. Giving brief locational information and habitat
data which may aid cultivation.
CSE Plants Dodecanese, Greece 1998.
If plant images are available they may be viewed by clicking on the purple CSE plant number.
CSE Plant No. | Site No. | Species | Description |
CSE98001D | 98/02D | C. rhodium | Leaf pattern more strongly developed than rest of population. |
CSE98002D | 98/03D | C. rhodium | Plant with pink corolla. |
CSE98003D | 98/03D | C. rhodium | Plant with good leaf and flower. Almost white corolla. |
CSE98056D | 98/04D | C. rhodium | Plant with well silvered leaves. |
CSE98057D | 98/05D | C. rhodium | Plant with pink corolla but undistinguished leaves. |
CSE98058D | 98/05D | C. rhodium | Plant with good leaf pattern. |
CSE98059D | 98/05D | C. rhodium | Plant with unmarked white corolla in upward facing position. (Stargazer type). |
CSE98060D | 98/05D | C. rhodium | Plant with unmarked white corolla (and 6 petals), otherwise normal. |
CSE98061D | 98/05D | C. rhodium | Plant with well-splashed leaves of more rounded shape than average. |
CSE98062D | 98/05D | C. rhodium | Plant with well-splashed leaves. |
CSE98121D | 98/06D | C. hederifolium | Plant with large leaves with silver central pattern. |
CSE98122D | 98/06D | C. hederifolium | Plant with dark leaves and flecks in place of hastate pattern. Red back. |
CSE98123D | 98/06D | C. hederifolium | Plant with silvered leaf. |
CSE98124D | 98/06D | C. hederifolium | Plant with silvered leaf. |
CSE98125D | 98/01D | C. hederifolium | Plant typical of site and ‘confusum’-like. |
CSE98126D | 98/07D | C. rhodium | Plant with splashed leaves without obvious hastate pattern. |
CSE98127D | 98/07D | C. rhodium | Plant with heart shaped leaves aith splashing in centre. |
CSE98178D | 98/08D | C. rhodium | Plant with all white corolla. |
CSE98179D | 98/08D | C. rhodium | Plant growing with 98178D but with pink nose on white corolla – typical of site. |
CSE98180D | 98/08D | C. rhodium | Plant with well marked leaf. |
CSE98181D | 98/08D | C. rhodium | Plant with all white corolla. |
CSE98232D | 98/09D | C. rhodium | Well marked hastate leaf pattern & representative of site. |
CSE98338D | 98/12D | C. persicum | Good pink corolla. |
CSE98340D | 98/14D | C. persicum | Representative of southernmost population on Symi. Good leaf for these plants! |
CSE98343D | 98/16D | C. persicum | Plant with well marked leaf with silver centre and ‘tracery’ outside. |
CSE98347D | 98/16D | C. persicum | Plant with unusual central marking to leaf. Splashes, with no hastate pattern. |
CSE98348D | 98/18D | C. persicum | Unremarkable, but representative of northernmost collection site. |
CSE98349D | 98/20D | C. persicum | Representative of single small-leaved plants found in area. |
CSE98350D | 98/20D | C. persicum | Growing with 98349D, with one tiny leaf on a fair sized tuber. |
CSE98351D | 98/21D | C. maritimum | Well marked and scalloped leaf. Collected for cross pollinating with CSE 91321. |
CSE98355D | 98/22D | C. rhodium | Good leaf pattern. |
CSE98356D | 98/22D | C. rhodium | Virtually pure white flowers. |
CSE98357D | 98/22D | C. rhodium | ‘Lantern’ style flowers with downward facing petals. |
CSE98370D | 98/01D | C. hederifolium | Seed collection only, distributed with 1998 seed distribution. |
CSE98371D | 98/01D | C. hederifolium | Seed collection only, distributed with 1998 seed distribution. |
CSE98372D | 98/16D | C. persicum | Seed collection only, distributed with 1998 seed distribution. |
CSE98373D | 98/21D | C. maritimum | Seed collection only, distributed with 1998 seed distribution. |
CSE Sites Dodecanese, Greece 1998.
If site images are available they may be viewed by clicking on the purple site number.
19/04/98 Kos. Above Pili, to the south-west on a series of twists on road.
Altitude: 50m. Shade: 75%; Aspect: North-northeast to North-northwest; Slope: 45º; Soil pH: 7.1; Soil Type: Brown Clay Loam.
Pinus brutia woodland with understorey of Pistacia lentiscus and Quercus coccifera and occasional Olea europaea. Dry woodland floor with scattered stones in a generally deep soil with some outcrops of bedrock limestone.
Cyclamen hederifolium growing with: Asparagus acutifolius, Cistus creticus, Cistus salvifolius, Ruscus aculeatus, Salvia officinalis, Teucrium chamaedrys.
20/04/98 Kos. South of Kefalos and Kamari, near to (southest of) junction between roads to Agia Ioannis and side turn to Mt. Zini.
Altitude: 250m. Shade: 0-90%; Aspect: North to Northwest; Slope: 30º; Soil pH: 7.3; Soil Type: Brown loam.
Woodland fringe of Pinus brutia with Cyclamen under Pines and in bases of Quercus coccifera beyond wood edge. Dense layer of pine needles to 10cm above soil, thinning to no cover for most of exposed plants.
Cyclamen rhodium growing with: Quercus coccifera, Sarcopoterium spinosum, Cistus creticus, Salvia officinalis.
20/04/98 Kos. Above and south of Kefalos on the road towards Agios Ioannis and Mt Zini.
Altitude: 150m. Shade: 50-90%; Aspect: Northwest; Slope: 45º; Soil pH: 7.5-7.7; Soil Type: Stony brown loam.
Scattered Pinus brutia woodland with clearings of phrygana, with Cyclamen beneath Pines or bases of shrubs in bare soil to deep pine needle litter, according to the degree of pine cover.
Cyclamen rhodium growing with: Quercus coccifera, Cistus salvifolius, Cistus creticus, Cistus parviflorus, Salvia fruticosa, Genista sp., Thymus sp., occasionalCeratonia siliqua. Sparse ground flora of Iris unguicularis ssp. cretensis and Helichrysum.
20/04/98 Kos. South of Kefalos and Kamari, on side road to Mt. Zini.
Altitude: 250m. Shade: 25-90%; Aspect: North; Soil pH: 7.5. Pinus brutia woodland with Cyclamen both under Pines and also in scrub between wooded patches where Quercus coccifera dominant with Cistus salvifolius and Cistus creticus.
Cyclamen rhodium growing with: Cistus salvifolius, Cistus creticus, Cistus parviflorus, Gynandriris sisyrinchium, Salvia fruticosa, Thymus sp.
21/04/98 Kos. South of Kefalos on road around Mt. Zini to Radio mast.
Altitude: 260m. Shade: 75-90%; Aspect: North; Slope: 10-30º; Soil pH: 7.3 – 7.7; Soil Type: Sandy brown loam. Dense woodland of Pinus brutia with deep layer of pine needles but little understorey or ground flora beneath. A few scattered Pistacia lentiscus and Quercus coccifera. Thin humus layer over gritty, sandy brown loam in dappled sunlight through canopy. East end of site had sandier soil, nearing light sand rocks where Erica erigena common. Site bounded at east end by severe change of soil to almost pure silica sand with black quartzite crystals.
Cyclamen rhodium growing with: Pistacia lentiscus, Salvia fruticosa, Asparagus acutifolius. Clematis cirrhosa, Teucrium sp.
22/04/98 Kos. Before Zia on road up from Zipari, just before Evangelistria.
Altitude: 200m. Shade: 90%; Aspect: North; Slope: 30º; Soil pH: 7.7; Soil Type: Brown sandy loam.
Woodland of Cupressus sempervirens with understorey at roadside of Quercus coccifera and Pistacea lentiscus, occasionally Quercus ilex. Well drained shaded slope above and below road with little debris from trees and rocks scattered through soil, which is very gravelly loam, Some Cyclamen in old terrace wall.
Cyclamen hederifolium growing with: Asparagus acutifolius, Cistus creticus, Campanula prassia majoe, Galium sp., Psoralea bituminosa, Spartium junceum, Styrax officinalis.
23/04/98 Kos. South of Kamari in wash out gulley below Mt Zini radio mast.
Altitude: 10-60m. Shade: 75%; Aspect: North to Northwest; Slope: 60º; Soil pH: 6.4; Soil Type: Sandy loam.
Quercus coccifera phrygana with Pistacea lentiscus, with sub-shrubs. Cyclamen growing in Quercus bases and restricted to low altitude due to soil change (Erica erigena found from 60m in washout and at lower altitudes on slope sides – Cyclamen absent as soon as Erica encountered). Cyclamen in gravelly, sandy soil in shrub bases and rock crevices close to washout. Sub-soil pure silica sand.
Cyclamen rhodium growing with: Quercus coccifera, Pistacea lentiscus, Lavandula stoechas, Cistus creticus, Cistus salvifolius, Hypericum empetrifolium, Asparagus acutifolius, Arbutus unedo.
23/04/98 Kos. South of Kefalos on the Mt Latra/Agia Ioannis road.
Altitude: 260m. Shade: 0-75%; Aspect: Northwest; Slope: 45º; Soil pH: 7.5; Soil Type: Terra Rossa.
Phrygana slope with occasional small groups of individual Pinus brutia. Cyclamen found principally under Pistacea lentiscus, and higher on slope under Quercus coccifera, also amongst igneous rocks in crevices and under Pistacea bases, some under pines. Most plants in sandy soil but under pines in needle debris.
Cyclamen rhodium growing with: Pistacea lentiscus, Quercus coccifera, Cistus creticus, Cistus salvifolius, Salvia fruticosa, Genista sp.
23/04/98 Kos. South of Kefalos on road to Mt. Latra and Agia Ioannis, southwest of site 98/08D.
Altitude: 240m. Shade: 10-90%; Aspect: North to Northeast; Slope: 60-70º; Soil pH: 6.9-7.7; Soil Type: Sandy brown clay.
Cyclamen under Pinus brutia, Arbutus andrachne, and Pistacea lentiscus on north-facing slope by road and in gulley running northwest to southeast, on both sides. Plants in shade of pines of various ages and in shrub bases higher on hillside, in very stony soil with little organic content.
Cyclamen rhodium growing with: Pistacea lentiscus, Quercus coccifera, Cistus salvifolius, Cistus creticus, Cistus parviflorus (on upper slopes only), Lotus hirsutus, Salvia fruticosa, Hypericum empetrifolium, Polygala venulosa, Arbutus unedo.
24/04/98 Kos. Road between Amaniou and Lagoudi.
Altitude: 180m. Shade: 75%; Aspect: North-northwest; Slope: 40º; Soil pH: 7.1; Soil type: Brown loam. Mature woodland of Pinus brutia and Cupressus sempervirens var. horizontalis, with understorey of Quercus coccifera, Pistacia lentiscus and Styrax officinalis. Cyclamen in organic debris on woodland floor over sandstone, in dappled to deep shade. (Site surveyed – seed only collected).
Cyclamen hederifolium growing with: Quercus coccifera, Pistcia lentiscus, Styrax officinalis; Ground flora of Cistus creticus, Asparagus acutifolius, Ruscus aculeatus, Salvia fruticosa, Hypericum empetrifolium, Lotus hirsutus, Lathyrus aphaca, Ophrys sp.
24/04/98 Kos. Below Zia on road from Evangelistria. Site extends through Zia village to slopes of Mt Dikeos above, in shaded Cupressus woodland.
Altitude: 250m. Shade: 80%; Aspect: North; Slope: 20º; Soil pH: 8.0; Soil type: Brown loam.
Mature woodland of Cupressus sempervirens var. horizontalis with sparse understorey of Quercus coccifera, Pistacia lentiscus, Styrax officinalis and herbs with Cyclamen in open patches on woodland floor where competing herbs absent, in thin layer of organic debris. (Site surveyed – no plants collected).
Cyclamen hederifolium growing with: Cistus creticus, Salvia fruticosa, Arum dioscoridis.
26/04/98 Symi. Roadside above Chorio (Symi).
Altitude: 110m. Shade: 10-75%; Aspect: Northeast; Slope: 20º; Soil pH: 8.2; Soil type: Terra Rossa.
Light wood of Pinus brutia and Quercus pubescens with a few scattered perennials and annuals underneath. Cyclamen between limestone rocks and in open in stony soil with pine needles and some organic content.
Cyclamen persicum growing with: Dracunculus vulgaris, Ballota acetabulosa, Helychrysum sp., Euphorbia acanthothamnus, Anagyris foetida, Fumana arabica.
26/04/98 Symi. Southwest of Panormitis Monastery, overlooking south end of island.
Altitude: 180m. Shade: 60%; Aspect: West-northwest; Slope: 45º; Soil pH: 7.3; Soil type: Terra rossa.
Woodland of Pinus brutia with scattered shrubs and low scrub beneath, over limestone with numerous surface rocks. Cyclamen amongst rocks in crevices and under shrubs and trees. Site extends through sparse woodland to the southeast. (Site surveyed – no plants collected).
Cyclamen persicum growing with: Cistus salvifolius, Cistus creticus, Salvia fruticosa, Salvia officinalis, Pistacia lentiscus.
26/04/98 Symi. South east of Panormitis Monastery, near track down to Vodia Beach.
Altitude: 85m. Shade: 75%; Aspect: Northwest; Slope: 30º; Soil pH: 7.6; Soil Type: Terra Rossa.
Open slope under Pinus brutia with few plants beneath. Some Cupressus sempervirens var. horizontalis. Cyclamen in pine needle debris and among scattered limestone rocks.
Cyclamen persicum growing with: Pistacia lentiscus, Salvia fruticosa, Cistus salvifolius, Legousia hybrida.
26/04/98 Symi. Northwest of Symi Town (Yialos) on the inland road to Emporios.
Altitude: 40m. Shade: 75%; Aspect: North; Slope: 0º; Soil pH: 7.3; Soil Type: Terra Rossa.
Terraced area to each side of road with gentle overall slope to the north. Scattered individual trees. Shade provided by shrubs and rocks, most Cyclamen found in rock crevices, between limestone boulders.
Cyclamen persicum growing with: Cupressus sempervirens var. horizontalis, Olea europea, Quercus coccifera, Sarcopterium spinosum, Euphorbia acanthothamnus, Phlomis fruticosa, Colchicum macrophyllum, Pistacia lentiscus, Iris sp., Anagyris foetida.
27/04/98 Symi. Northeast of Yialos (Symi Town) on coastal road to Emporios. Population continues virtually unbroken into Emporios.
Altitude: 25m. Shade: 0-75%; Aspect: east-northeast; Slope: 45º; Soil pH: 7.2; Soil Type: Terra rossa.
Steep slope of limestone rocks and boulders with scrub to 0.5m. Cyclamen between rocks and in crevices, also under shrubs, some exposed on surface both in shade and full sun.
Cyclamen persicum growing with: Sarcopterium spinosum, Euphorbia acanthothamnus, Cistus salvifolius, Cistus creticus, Phlomis fruticosa, Salvia officinalis, Thymus capitatus, Origanum heraceoticum, Fumana arabica, Serapias lingua, Gagea graeca, Asphodelus aestivus, Orchis sp., Crocus sp.
27/04/98 Symi. Northwest of Emporios on the ridge above the church of Agios Georgios Kylindriotis.
Altitude: 110m. Shade: 0-90%; Aspect: South-southwest; Slope: 10º; Soil pH: 7.6; Soil Type: Terra Rossa.
Almost level area near crest of ridge with massive limestone outcrops and boulders. Few sub-shrubs. Cyclamen in rock crevices and in the open, generally with few and small leaves due to exposure. (Site surveyed – no plants collected).
Cyclamen persicum growing with Asphodelus aestivus, Drimia maritima, Origanum heraceoticum, Dracunculus vulgaris, Arum dioscoridis, Mandragora autumnalis, Convolvulus altheoides.
27/04/98 Symi. Northwest of Emporios, over the crest of the ridge above the church of Agios Georgios Kylindriotis, on the north side overlooking Setia beach and the islands of Plati and Chondros.
Altitude: 110m. Shade: 0-75%; Aspect: North; Slope: 20º; Soil pH: 7.8; Soil type: Terra Rossa.
Gentle slope of massive limestone and boulders with low scrub providing shade; one isolated tree. Cyclamen in open and under shade of rocks and shrubs.
Cyclamen persicum growing with: Euphorbia dendroides (dominant), Origanum heraceoticum, Dracunculus vulgaris, Arum dioscoridis, Ornithogalum sp., Pyrus amygdaliformis.
28/04/98 Symi. South of Chorio on side turning above Nanou Bay.
Altitude: 420m. Shade: 75-90%; Aspect: West; Slope: 30º; Soil pH: 7.1; Soil Type: Brown Loam.
Dense woodland of Pinus brutia and Cupressus sempervirens var. horizontalis, with occasional clearings with Phlomis fruticosa and Salvia officinalis. Cyclamen scattered on woodland floor and in limestone crevices from deep shade to dappled sunlight. Within goat fenced area, large C. persicum plants prevalent with flower and fruit. Elsewhere, very small, often singled leaved plants only found, but associated tubers quite large. (Site surveyed – no plants collected).
28/04/98 Symi. Woodland at edge of road from Symi Town to Panormitis, north of Nanou Bay area.
Altitude: 450m. Shade: 50%; Aspect: South; Slope: 20º; Soil pH: 7.4 Soil Type: Terra Rossa.
Open woodland of Cupressus sempervirens with limestone boulders and smaller stones covering soil surface. Cyclamen only found at Cupressus bases and only on south side of trunks, in light shade from branches.
Cyclamen persicum growing with Salvia officinalis scattered between conifers. Many small single leaved plants of C. persicum as at site 98/19D.
30/04/98 Rhodes. Monte Smith escarpment.
Altitude: 70m. Shade: 90%; Aspect: northwest; Slope: 45º; Soil pH: Top of slope above conglomerate – 7.5, Conglomerate – 8.2, At point of collected plant on slope below ‘cliff’ – 8.1; Soil type: Stony, sandy loam.
Deeply shaded cleft of stony soil below large boulders and massive conglomerate, in dense shade of rocks and conifers.
Cyclamen maritimum growing with: Pinus brutia, Cupressus sempervirens var. horizontalis, Campanula hagielia, Cistus creticus, Salvia officinalis, Helychrysum orientale, Lithodora hispidula, Anagyris foetida, Lotus sp., Polygala sp., Crocus tournefortii, Scilla autumnalis
01/05/98 Rhodes. South of Salakos on Mt Profitas Elias. Same location as site 91/02.
Altitude: 390m. Shade: 75%; Aspect: Northwest; Slope: 30º; Soil pH: Below road under pines – 6.8, At collection point of 98355D above road – 7.7, Stream water – 7.6; Soil Type: Brown clay loam.
Mature coniferous woodland with understorey of Pistacia lentiscus, Quercus coccifera, and Styrax officinalis. Moist soil with Pine needle debris in the surface layer, in dappled shade over sandstone, near running stream.
Cyclamen rhodium growing with: Pinus brutia, Cupressu sempervirens var. horizontalis, Cistus creticus, Salvia officinalis, Smilax aspera, Paeonia rhodia.
01/05/98 Rhodes. Mt profitas Elias between Salakos and Apollona, above site 98/22D.
Shade: 60%; Aspect: North-northwest; Slope: 30º; Soil Type: Brown loam.
Mature woodland of Pinus brutia with occasional Cupressus sempervirens, with no understorey, but with Cyclamen and other herbs carpeting floor of moist organic rich soil over sandstone. (Site surveyed – no plants collected).
Cyclamen rhodium growing with: Ophrys lutea, Ophrys sp., Rumex acetosella, Anenome blanda, Paeonia rhodia.