The purpose of this trip was to extend the society’s knowledge
of C. repandum, by mapping its distribution and collecting statistics
to stand alongside those collected in earlier years and relating
to other taxa in subgenus psilanthum.
In addition, plant material was collected in the form
of herbarium specimens and living tubers that would
yield material for studies taking place at the
University of Reading.
As a second matter the plant would also provide
seed for the society’s seed distribution.
40 sites were surveyed and 53 plants collected.
A report of the 2003 field study was published in the
Cyclamen Society Journal Vol. 27 No. 2, December 2003.
Abridged field notes referenced by site number follow this table.
Giving brief locational information and habitat data which may aid cultivation.
CSE Plants Corsica, 2003.
If plant images are available they may be viewed by clicking on the purple CSE plant number.
CSE Plant No. | Site No. | Species | Description |
03001C | 03/02C | C. repandum | Pale pink flower with very little nose. |
03027C | 03/02C | C. repandum | Good leaf pattern, prominent markings. |
03028C | 03/02C | C. repandum | C. rhodium ssp. vividum like flower. |
03029C | 03/03C | C. repandum | Good leaf pattern, prominent markings. |
03030C | 03/03C | C. repandum f. album | Small plant, white flowers reminiscent of C. balearicum. |
03031C | 03/04C | C. repandum | Good leaf pattern, prominent markings. |
03032C | 03/05C | C. hederifolium | Reasonable leaf. |
03033C | 03/05C | C. repandum | Good leaf pattern, prominent markings. |
03059C | 03/08C | C. repandum | Good leaf pattern, prominent markings. |
03060C | 03/11C | C. repandum f. album | White flowers, good leaf pattern with prominent hastate pattern. |
03061C | 03/11C | C. repandum f. album | White flowers, leaf pattern with a very broad hastate pattern edged with speckles. |
03062C | 03/11C | C. repandum | C. rhodium like flower. Attractive dentate leaf margin. |
03063C | 03/11C | C. repandum | Flower pale, indistinct nose, vaguely reminiscent of C. rhodium. Leaf with imprecise Christmas tree and very prominent silvering. |
03064C | 03/11C | C. repandum | Leaf with silvering virtually to the edge. Vague central dark green pattern. |
03065C | 03/11C | C. repandum | Leaf pattern silvery to margin. Narrow Christmas tree pattern in dark green. |
03091C | 03/12C | C. repandum | Altitude 725m. |
03092C | 03/12C | C. hederifolium | Altitude 725m. |
03093C | 03/13C | C. repandum | Silvery, nicely patterned leaf. |
03094C | 03/13C | C. repandum | Silvery, nicely patterned leaf. |
03144C | 03/15C | C. repandum f. album | Good sized white flowers. |
03145C | 03/15C | C. repandum | Bi-coloured flowers. |
03171C | 03/17C | C. repandum | Pink flower with no basal blotch. |
03172C | 03/19C | C. repandum | Altitude 980m. Best leaf available. |
03173C | 03/19C | C. hederifolium | Altitude 980m. |
03174C | 03/21C | C. hederifolium | Leaf with silver centre. |
03175C | 03/21C | C. hederifolium | Leaf with silver centre. |
03176C | 03/21C | C. repandum | Leaf with silver centre. C. rhodium ssp. vividum like flower. |
03177C | 03/21C | C. repandum | Leaf with silver centre. |
03178C | 03/21C | C. repandum | Leaf with silver centre. |
03179C | 03/21C | C. repandum | Leaf with silver centre. |
03180C | 03/21C | C. repandum | Leaf with silver centre. |
03206C | 03/22C | C. repandum | Well defined branched hastate pattern with dentate leaf margins. |
03207C | 03/22C | C. repandum | Plain green leaf, pale shell-pink flower with no nose. |
03208C | 03/22C | C. repandum f. album | White flower with very broad (12mm) petals. |
03284C | 03/25C | C. repandum | Altitude 905m, large flower. |
03311C | 03/28C | C. repandum | Most southerly site, silver leaf pattern. |
03337C | 03/31C | C. hederifolium | Large good leaf. |
03363C | 03/32C | C. repandum f. album | White flower, good leaf. |
03364C | 03/32C | C. repandum | Bi-coloured flower, deep pink/pale pink. |
03365C | 03/32C | C. repandum | Bi-coloured flower, deep pink/pale pink. |
03366C | 03/32C | C. repandum | Pale pink flower, edged with deeper pink. |
03367C | 03/32C | C. repandum | Pink nosed flower with lavender coloured petals. |
03395C | 03/33C | C. repandum f. album | White flower with 135° twist. |
03396C | 03/33C | C. repandum f. album | Good sized white flower. |
03397C | 03/33C | C. repandum | Pale pink flower. |
03398C | 03/33C | C. repandum | Very dark flower with no nose but some paling to tips of petals. |
03424C | 03/34C | C. repandum f. album | Large white flower. |
03425C | 03/34C | C. repandum f. album | Large elegant white flower. |
03451C | 03/35C | C. repandum | Prominent silver hastate pattern against dark green background. |
03452C | 03/36C | C. repandum | Large leaf with good pattern. |
03453C | 03/38C | C. repandum | Altitude 970m. |
03454C | 03/39C | C. repandum | Altitude 950m. |
03455C | 03/40C | C. repandum | Altitude 940m. |
CSE sites Corsica, 2003.
If site images are available they may be viewed by clicking on the purple site number.
14/04/03 Commune de San Martino do Lotta. Above corner N.W. of Mola
Altitude: 390m., Shade: 100%, Aspect: North-northeast, Slope: 45°, Soil: Gritty Clay of Terra Rossa Loam, low in humus. pH: 7.5. Cyc lamen repandum & C. hederifolium.
Habitat: Mixed deciduous woodland. Thick humus layer over clay, itself over schistose rocks. Overgrown (wooded) terraces.
Growing Conditions: Leaf litter on woodland floor. Some plants of C. repandum on vertical or near vertical leaf free slopes an in crevices between stones of retaining walls.
Associated plants: Ruscus aculeatus, Rubia peregrina, Symphytum bulbosum, Allium triquetrum, Viola albas sp.dehnadtii, llex angustifolium, Muscari comosum, Lonicera etrusca, Lathyrus cicera, Quercus ilex, Melandrium album, Polypodium cambricum, Dryopterus cf. dilitata, Smilax aspera, Rubus fruticosus aff.
14/04/03 Commune de San Martino di Lotta on zig-zag below site 03/01C.
Altitude: 235m., Shade: 100%, Aspect: North, Slope: 33°, Soil: Gritty clay with humus layer. Medium loam. pH: 6.6. Cyclamen repandum & C. hederifolium.
Habitat: Mixed deciduous woodland: Fraxinus, Crataegus, Rhamnus, Quercus.
Growing Conditions: Varied slope due to old terracing. Cyclamen repandum on flat of terraces and also in near vertical dry stone walls. Herb flora very limited due to shade & deep leaf litter.
Associated plants: Ruscus aculeatus, Rubia peregrina, Symphytum bulbosum, Allium triquetrum, Polypodium cambricum, Dryopterus cf. dilitata, Smilax aspera, Rubus fruticosus agg., Ranunculus ficaria, R. bulbosus, Asplenium trichomanes, Geranium robertianum, G. disscetum, Smyrnium olusatrum, Anenome hortensis.
14/04/03 Commune de San Martino di Lotta. On D31 below village.
Altitude: 190m, Shade: 100%, Aspect: Northeast, Slope: 45° to vertical, Soil: Gritty Clay. Very organic-rich with schist particles; pH: 6.9. Cyclamen repandum & C. hederifolium.
Habitat: Deciduous wood- land, mostly Fraxinus & Quercus. Outcroping boulders of schistose rock. Growing Conditions: C. repandum in deep shade in woodland, more open (although shaded due to aspect) along roadside.
Associated Plants: Polpodium cambricum, Foeniculum vulgare, Anenome hortensis, Trifolium repans, Galium mollugo, Erica arborea, Asparagus acutifolius, Lathyruscicera, Geranium lucidum, G.robertianum, Stellaria media.
14/04/03 Cap Corse. Col de Teghime, below Nortwest side of Col.
Altitude: 495m, Shade: 0%, Aspect: North-northwest, Slope: 33°, Soil: Terra Rossa type clay over humus banded horizon. Fine loam with schist fragments, pH: 7.3. Cyclamen repandum & C. hederifolium.
Habitat: Herbaceous plants below Oak (Quercus coccifera & Q. ilex) at edge of landslip.
Associated Plants: Erica arborea, grasses, Clematis vitalba, Cornus monspeliensis, Arbutus unedo, Cruciata laevipes, Teucrium scorodonia, Mercurialis perennis, Rubia peregrina.
15/04/03 West coast of Cap Corse. Near Mucchieta on D80.
Altitude: 185m, Shade: 100%, Aspect: East-northeast, Slope: 55°, Soil: Fine clay with grits, pH: 7.7. Cyclamen repandum & C. hederifolium.
Habitat: Dense woodland: Quercus ilex, Eucalyptus sp., Viburnum tinus, Pinus nigra. Both Cyclamen principally along roadside in slightly more open conditions.
Growing Conditions: Plants of both species growing on roadside bank and (especially C. hederifolium) in shallow roadside ditches.
Associated Plants: Rock Bank: Anenome hortensis, Hieracium sp., Clematis vitalba, Hedera helix, Geranium robertianum, Polypodium vulgare, Polystichium sp., Rosa sp., Rubia peregrina, Cladonia chlorophasa, Arisarum vulgare, Smilax aspera, Lonicera cf. periclymenum, Asparagus acutifolius, mosses.
Grass Bank: Rubus fruticosus agg., Allium triquetrum, Bellis perennis, Potentilla recta, Ranunculus repens, Galium mollugo, Asphodelus aestivus, Arctium lappa, Prunella vulgaris, Violaodorata, Hypericum sp., Rosa sp.
15/04/03 West coast of Cap Corse. Golfo Alisu.
Altitude: 15m, Shade: 50%, Aspect: North, Slope: 55° Soil: Sand, pH: 7.6. Cyclamen repandum.
Habitat: South of road: Rock bank below maquis, North of road: Grassland and sand. Habitat disturbed by wild boar.
Growing Conditions: C. repandum below maquis shaded from about 15.00hrs. Across road, sparse in unshaded grass. Up to 50 plants per sq m on bank, with many isolated plants.
Associated Plants: Myrtus communis, Festuca sp., Helichrysum italicum, Cistus creticus, Smilax aspera, Hieracium sp., Lotus corniculatus, Lonicera periclymenum, Viburnum tinus, Cirsium arvense, Rubia peregrina, Asphodelus aestivus, Fumaria sp., Helleborus argutifolius, Plantago coronopus, P. lanceolata, Erica arborea, Thymus sp., Allium triquetrum, Cruciata laevipes, Ophrys bombylifera, O. incubacea.
15/04/03 West coast of Cap Corse. Marine de Giottani.
Altitude: 40m, Shade: 100%, Aspect: North, Slope: 45°, Soil: Fine clay overlaid by humus, pH: 6.8. Cyclamen repandum.
Habitat: Dense woodland of Querlus ilex and Arbutus unedo with rocky bank at edge of road.
Growing Conditions: C. repandum growing through leaf litter on floor of woodland (sparse herb layer), in crevices, ledges and soil pockets on roadside bank.
Associated Plants: Myrtus communis, Arisarum vulgare, Rubia peregrina, Genista sp., Hypericum cupressiforme, Smilax aspera, grasses, Cladonia chlorophasa, C. furcate, C. foliacea, Viburnum tinus, Lonicera etrusca, Fraxinus excelsior, Rubus fruticosus agg., Erica arborea.
15/04/03. West coast of Cap Corse. Marine de Farinole.
Altitude: 35m, Shade: 100%, Aspect: North, Slope: varying between flat, 45° and vertical, Soil: Sandy brown earth. Cyclamen repandum.
Habitat: Edge of dense Quercus ilex scrub along road cutting and fallen tubers at road-side.
Growing Conditions: Shade until 18.00hrs, then open. C. repandum growing along roadside from bridge to cliff edge where aspect was north.
Associated Plants: At top of bank: Lonicera etrusca, Arbutus unedo, Rubia peregrina, Brynum sp., Cytisus scoparius, Pistacia lentiscus, Viburnum tinus.
At base of bank and on ledges: Hieracium sp., Plantago coronopus, P. lanceolata, Vicia sp., Chrysanthemum coronarium, grasses, Bellis perennis, Trifolium pratense, Carex sp., Sanctus sp., Ferula communis, unidentified orchid leaves.
16/04/03 St Florent. Serra di Agliastrello.
Altitude: 25m, Shade: 0-100%, Aspect: East– northeast, Slope: 65°, Soil: Rendzina – Brown Rendzina in wood. Gritty sand with trace of fibrous organic material. pH: 7.8. Cyclamen repandum & C. hederifolium.
Habitat: Thin soil over soft limestone in pelousse amongst scrub. Grazed by goats and cattle.
Associated Plants: Ficus sp., Rosmarinus officinalis, Pistacea lentiscus, Cistus creticus, C.monspeliensis, Quercus ilex, Ruscus aculeatus, Lonicera etruscus, Cretaegus monogyna, Viburnus tinus, Smilax aspera, Myrtus communis, Fraxinus excelsia, Nerium oleander, Muscari comosum, Asphodelus aestivus, Anenome stellata, Anagallis arvensis, Asparagus acutifolia, Scabiosa sp., Satureja sp., Geranium dissectum, Lotus corniculatus, Ruta chalepensis, Lathyrus cicera, L. annuus, Rubia peregrina, Arisarum vulgare, Asperula arvensis, Cytinus hypocistus, Cladonia foliacea.
Note: Both pink and white forms of C. repandum. The above records are from an open area. C. repandum extended into wood with 100% shade
16/04/03 St Florent. Punta di Fortino.
Altitude: 35m, Shade: 50%, Aspect: Northwest, Slope: 45° to 3°, Soil: Rendzina to Brown Rendzina. Loam, good balance of sand/clay/humus. pH: 7.4. Cyclamen repandum & C. hederifolium.
Habitat: Scrub over outcropping lime- stone. Patches of pelousse calcarious. Scrub: Pistacealentiscus, Rhamnusalaternus covering 55% of 45° slope.
Growing Conditions: Thin soil, 0-40mm where investigated. C. repandum often in crevices of rock. Thick herb layer where soil depth permits. Few plants of C. repandum in open, but often very dense in shade.
Associated Plants: Ranunculus bullatus, Anenome stellata, Asphodelus aestivus, Geranium robertianum, Cistus monspeliensis, Anagalis arvensis, Vicia sp., Rosmainus officinalis, Allium triquetrum, Orchis papilianacea, Ophrys bombylifera, O. apifera, O. incubacea, Serapias lingua, Sedum albidum, Teline monspessulana, Cistus creticus, Lathyrus annuus, Asperula sp., Asplenium trichomenes, Cytinus hypocistus, Cladonia furcata, C. foliacea, Polypodium cambrica, Ceterach officinarum, Arbutus unedo, Erica arborea, Muscari comosum.
Other Information: C.repandum very sparse in open areas, most plants shaded by individual bushes or in patches of scrub.
16/04/03. St Florent. Near La Teia.
Altitude: 110m, Shade: 15%, Aspect: North, Slope: 12°, Soil: Rendzina. Sand plus high level of fibrous organic material. pH: 7.6. Cyclamen repandum.
Habitat: Pelousse below scrub, thin soil with outcropping limestone boulders. Blends into dense woodland (shade 100%) as land rises to the south.
Growing Conditions: Heavily grazed ?goats, cattle.
Associated Plants: Anenome hortensis, Muscari comosum, Poterium sanguisorbia, Rubia peregrina, Daucus carota, Serapia cf. lingua, Helichrysum italicum, Lathyrus latifolius. Scrub: Quercus ilex, Cistus creticus, C. monspeliensis, C. salvifolius, Pistacia lentiscus, Erica arborea, Arbutus unedo, Crataegus monogyna.
17/04/03. Vallee du Fango. On forest path southeast and above Barghiana to Bocca di Capronale.
Altitude: 725m, Shade: 0-100%, Aspect: North west, Slope: 45°, Soil: Gritty clay. Sandy loam, moderate humus content. pH: 6.1. Cyclamen repandum & C. hederifolium.
Habitat: Maquis type scrub under scattered Quercus ilex and Pinus nigra ssp. laricio. Ash beginning to invade. Rubus fruticosus agg. Providing shade.
Growing Conditions: Thin soil amongst rocks – basically scree.
Associated Plants: Viola albas sp. dehnadtii, V. odorata, Helleborus argutifolius, Stellaria media, Potentilla sp., Geranium lucidum, G. robertianum, Cardamine hirsuta, Erica arborea.
17/04/03. Vallee du Fango. Above and southeast of Barghiana on path to Bocca di Capronale, as site 03/12C.
Altitude: 635m, Shade: 0%, Aspect: West, Slope: 15°, Soil: Gritty brown loam. But for a few gravel particles, 100% fibrous organic material. pH: 5.5. Cyclamen repandum.
Habitat: Clearing along path.
Growing Conditions: Cleared scrub regenerating fast. Slight damage from wild boar. Approximately 2nd/3rd year after clearing of coppice.
Associated Plants: Fraxinus excelsior, Viola alba ssp. dehnardtii, Pteridium aquilinum, Leontodon sp., Verbascum ?thapsus, Rubus fruticosus agg., Geranium robertianum, Erica arborea, Quercus ilex, Arbutus unedo, Teucrium scorodonia, Clematis vitalba, Cardamine hirsuta, Stellaria media, Umbilicus rupestris, Hedera helix, Taraxacum officinale agg., Rubia peregrina.
18/04/03. Vallee du Fango, on D351 from Fango to Galeria.
Altitude: 15m, Shade: 100%, Aspect: North east, Slope: 8°, Soil: Humus with sand. Fine & Sandy, low in humus. Stone fragments, possibly silica. pH: 6.9. Cyclamen repandum.
Habitat: Thick scrub, principally Pistacia lentiscus and Erica arborea. Some wild Olea europea and Quercus ilex.
Growing Conditions: Deep shade, well drained.
Associated Plants: Myrtus communis at roadside. Arisarum vulgare, Rubia peregrina, Dryopteris cf. dilitata, Asparagus acutifolia, Oxalis sp., Ruscus aculeatus, Rubus fruticosus agg., Smilax aspera, Rhamnus alaternus.
18/04/03. Vallee du Fango. Near Ponte Vecchiu.
Altitude: 70m., Shade: 50-100%, Aspect North east, Slope: 45° to 2°, Soil: Gritty humus over and with pockets of grit/sand rock. Near 100% fibrous organic material with moss fragments. pH: 6.6. Cyclamen repandum.
Habitat: Dense scrub opening at roadside, including Erica arborea, Rhamnus alaternus, Cistus salvifolius, C. monspeliensis, Arbutus unedo, Helechrysum italicum, Rubus fruticosus agg., Viburnum tinus, Smilax aspera.
Growing Conditions: Scrubland floor and amongst mosses etc over rocks & tree stumps at roadside. Over road (river side) in dense 100% shaded scrub with largely unvegetated floor.
Associated Plants: Myrtus communis, Pistacia lentiscus seedlings, Geranium robertianum, G. molle, G. lucidum, Dryopterus cf. dilitata, Galium sp. seedlings, Cladonia Furcata, C. foliacea, C. chlorophaca, Vicia cicera, Asperula arvensis.
18/04/03. Vallee du Fango. In side valley, on road from Pont de Tuvarelli-Chiorna to Chiorna.
Altitude: 215m., Shade: 100%, Aspect: South east, Slope: 33°, Soil: Humic clay over gravel. Fine, mainly mineral soil, only traces of organic matter. pH: 6.9. Cyclamen repandum & C. hederifolium.
Habitat: Woodland floor, sparsely vegetated, below Quercus ilex, Alnus, Rhamnus, Pistacia lentiscus.
Growing Conditions: Usually dry woodland floor. Some small water seepage, seemingly unrelated to occurrence of C. repandum.
Associated Plants: Hepatica sp., Arisarum vulgare, Stellaria media, Geranium robertianum, G. dissectum, Cruciata laevipes, Galium mollugo, Asperula arvensis, Umbilicus rupestris, Luzula,sp.
18/04/03. Pont de Calancones, south of Vallee du Fango, on road to Porto.
Altitude: 150m., Shade: 100%, Aspect: North, Slope: 45°, Soil: Humus over brown loam with grit & stones. Near 100% fibrous organic material, with fragments of leaf & bark. pH: 6.1. Cyclamen repandum & C. hederifolium.
Habitat: Dry woodland of Rhamnus alaternus, Arbutus unedo, Erica arborea and Quercus ilex, on steep river valley side.
Growing Conditions: Soil stabilised by roots and outcropping boulders. Variable layer of leaf litter. Very scant herb layer.
Associated Plants: Seedlings of canopy plants, Smilax aspera, Bryophytes, Hepatica sp.,Allium triquetrum, Ruscus aculeatus, Viburnum tinus, Polypodium vulgare, Rubia peregrina, Fraxinus excelsior. Around woodland margin: Cistus salvifolius, Myrtus communis.
19/04/03. Gorges de Spelunca.
Altitude: 215m., Shade: 100%, Aspect: East, Slope: 45°, Soil: Sand. Fine, mainly mineral soil with fragments of almost undecomposed vegetable matter. pH: 7.2. Cyclamen repandum & C. hederifolium.
Habitat: River gorge with scrub of Erica arborea, Viburnum tinus, Buxus sempervirens, Arbutus unedo, Rhamnus alaternus, below sparse standards of Fraxinus ornus and Alnus.
Growing Conditions: Sharp drainage on steep slope, dense scrub without significant clearings. Outcropping boulders of acid rock. Sparse leaf litter. Lower area subject to flooding (litter in branches 2.5-3m above current water level).
Associated Plants: Pteridium aquilium, Smilax aspera, Hedera helix, Osmunda regalis (at waters edge), Rubus fruticosus agg., Hypericum cupressiforme, Ranunculus ficaria, Viola alba ssp dehnadtii, Quercus ilex, Myrtus communis, Arisarum vulgare, Geranium robertianum, Polysticum sp.
Along path: Juniperus oxycedrus, Cistus salvifolius, Lavandula stoechas.
19/04/03. Foret d’Aitone. N.E. of Evissa towards Col de Vergio.
Altitude: 980m., Shade: 80%, Aspect: North-northwest, Slope: 66°, Soil: Gritty sand derived from underlying granite. Loam, humus-rich, low sand content, with bark fragments. pH: 6.1. Cyclamen repandum & C. hederifolium.
Habitat: Pinus nigra ssp. laricio woodland.
Growing Conditions: Well drained slope over outcropping granite boulders, with deep Pinus litter.
Associated Plants: Shrub layer: llex aquifolium, Quercus ilex, Erica arborea. Herb layer: Euphorbia anygdaloides, Helleborus argutifolius, Crocus corsicus, Bryophytes, Galium mollugo, Pteridium aquilinum, Potentilla sp., Teucrium scorodonia, Leontodon maculatum, Lathyrus sp., Ranunculus arvensis, Luzula sp., Hypericum tetrapterum, Geranium robertianum, G. dissectum, Cardamine hirsuitum, Stellaria media, Asphodelus aestivus.
20/04/03. East of Col de Vergio, towards Albertaece.
Altitude: 1030m., Shade: 60%, Aspect: East, Slope: 33°, Soil: Gritty sand. Gritty silt containing much-decomposed organic matter. pH: 4.8. Cyclamen repandum & C. hederifolium.
Habitat: Below Pinus nigra ssp. laricio, in more open spaces around boulders.
Growing Conditions: Woodland floor largely needle litter with up to 10% small herbs. Asphodelus aestivus present in large dense (90%) patches. Flowers not yet out, buds up to 200mm above ground.
Associated Plants: Helleborus argutifolius, Asphodelus aestivus, Ranunculus bulbosus, Poterium sanquisorba, Potentilla sp.,Erodium cicutarium, Luzulasp., Taraxacum officinale agg., Pteridium aquilinum, Viola alba ssp. dehnadtii.
20/04/03. North of Corte. At base of limestone hill on northern side of Caporalino.
Altitude: 290m., Shade: 100%, Aspect: North east, Slope: level, Soil: Brown loam. Very humus-rich with a little sand and rock fragments, pH: 7.2. Cyclamen repandum & C. hederifolium.
Habitat: Woodland, principally of saplings of Quercus ilex and Fraxinus ornus on abandoned terraces.
Growing Conditions: Leaf litter covered woodland floor. Approx. 50% vegetated. Level ground with bumps.
Associated Plants: Ranunculus bulbosus, Geranium lucidum, G. robertianum, Galium rotundifolium, G. aparine, Stellaria media, Smilax aspera, Bryophytes, Bellis sylvestris, Asplenium trichomenes.
Note: Site included a small colony of plants with leaves with a dark green edge and entirely bright silver centre.
21/04/03. Solenzara Valley near Fne Tafunata.
Altitude: 70m., Shade: 100%, Aspect: North, Slope: 45° to vertical, Soil: Sandy, gritty, clay. Yellowish mineral soil with rock ‘gravel’. Organic content nil. pH: 5.6. Cyclamen repandum & C. hederifolium.
Habitat: Two part habitat. Vertical or near vertical slope over soft acid rock with soil accumulated at base. 45° slope below scrub of Erica arborea, Quercus ilex, Pistacia lentiscus,Rhamnus sp.
Associated Plants: Scrub: Dryopterus sp., Arisarum vulgare, Rhamnus alaternus seedlings, Smilax aspera.
Slope: Cistus salvifolius, C. creticus, Erica arborea, Asperula arvensis, Geranium dissectum, G. lucidum, G. robertianum, G. molle, Luzula sp., Citinus hypocistus, Vicia sp., Saponaria officinalis, Lotus uliginosus, L. corniculatus, Origanum sp., Carduus sp., Arisarum vulgare, Erodium cicutarium, Rubia peregrina, Viburnus tinus, Lychnis sp., Poterium sanguisorba, Senecio vulgaris, Stellata media, Asphodelus aestivus, Arbutus unedo, Helleborus argutifolius, Myrtus communis, Lavandula stoechas.
21/04/03. Solenzara Valley. East side of Pont de Fiumicelli.
Altitude: 160m., Shade: 50%, Aspect: West, Slope: 45°, Soil: Sandy with humus. Fine & very dark: organic material much-decomposed. pH: 5.3. Cyclamen repandum & C. hederifolium.
Habitat: Beneath Pinus nigra ssp. laricio & P. nigra. Occasional Quercus ilex. Small streams above road, more open Quercus woodland below road.
Growing Conditions: Dense herb layer, some scrub. Dense Myrtus communis in more open patches. Occasional Cistus.
Associated Plants: Above road: Arbutus unedo, Rubia peregrina, Asphodelus aestivus, Erica arborea(scarce), Smilax aspera, Clematis sp., Pteridium aquilinum, Teline monspessulana, grasses, mosses, Poterium sanquisorbia, Cistus salvifolius, Myrtus communis, Rubia fruticosus agg.
Below road: Arbutus unedo, Erica arborea, Clemaris vitalba, Cistus salvifolia, C.monspeliensis, Trifolium repans, Asperula arvensis, Pistacia lentiscus, Lavendula stoechas, Myrtus communis.
21/04/03. Solenzara Valley. By small Castanea plantation in Pinus forest, NE of Col de Bavella.
Altitude: 630m., Shade: 80%, Aspect: North west, Slope: 45°, Soil: Sand with humus over granite. Near 100% fibrous organic material with few rock fragments. pH: 5.5. Cyclamen repandum.
Habitat: Pinus nigra ssp.laricio woodland with shrub layer of Arbutus unedo & Teline.
Growing Conditions: Plants are found along roadside and in (scarce) open patches, although a few extended further into Pinus woodland on lower side of road and on a track south from the sharp bend at the end of the site.
Associated Plants: Teline monspessulana, Rubia fruticosus agg., Teucrium scorodonia, Pteridium aquilinum, Anenome appenina, Viola alba ssp. dehnadtii, Asphodelus aestivus, Allium triquetrum, Helleborus argutifolius, Vicia sp., grasses, Campanula rotundifolius.
22/04/03. Between Zonza/Aullene and Petreto-Bicchisano. NW side of Col St Eustache.
Altitude: 910m., Shade: 60%, Aspect: East, Slope: 65°, Soil: Very gritty humic sand. Sand and grit with a little humus. pH: 6.0. Cyclamen repandum & C. hederifolium.
Habitat: Woodland below Quercus ilex and Alnus. Growing Conditions: Cyclamen principally along roadside in more or less open conditions amongst grasses.
Associated Plants: Scrub: Erica arborea, Quercus ilex, Alnus, Clematis vitalba, Rubia friticosus agg., Arbutus unedo.
Herb layer: Viola alba ssp. dehnadtii, V. odora, Anenome appenina, Helleborus argutifolius, Bellis perennis, Prunella vulgaris, Poteltilla sterilis, Geranium robertianum, G. dissectum, G. lucidum, Rumex sp., Brachypodium sp., Ranunculus ficaria, Leontodon maculatum, Galium mollugo, G. rotundifolium, Cruciata laevipes, Stellaria media, Luzula sp., Pteridium aquilinum, Rubia peregrina, Dryopteris sp., Polypodium cambricum, Blechnum spicant, Asphodelus aestivus, Crocus corsicus, Taraxacum officinale agg., Colchicum sp.
Note: Ancient woodland – Lobariapul- monaria and Quercus ilex. Abundant foliage, sparse flowers except in a few SSE or S facing niches.
22/04/03. Propriano. SW from N196 past Aerodrome de Propriano- Tavaria.
Altitude: 20m., Shade: 100%, Aspect: North– northeast, Slope: 2°, Soil: Gritty sand with humic layer. Sandy humus-rich loam. pH: 6.4. Cyclamen repandum.
Habitat: Scrub of Quercus ilex and Pistacia lentiscus. Cistus salvifolius and Rhamnu salaternusat edges. A littlle Erica arborea.
Growing Conditions: Deep shade with good humus layer over sand in scrub. Partial shade on edge.
Associated Plants: In scrub: Smilax aspera, Rubia peregrina.
At edge: Cistus salvifolius, C. monspeliensis, Lathyrus aphaca, L.sylvestris, Rubia peregrina, Allium triquetrum, Hieracium sp., Plantago coronopus, P.lanceolata, Trifolium dubium, Helichrysum sp., Lavadula stoechas, Pistacia lentiscus, Quercus ilex, Erica arborea, Bellis perennis, Lonicera periclymenum, Melandrium album, Geranium robertianum, Senecio vulgare, Asperula arvensis, Briza maxima, Asparagus acutifolius, Anagallis tenella.
23/04/03. North of Bonifacio. Close to quarries to the west of Santa Reparata.
Altitude: 85m., Shade: 0%, Aspect: North, Slope: 66°, Soil: Humus with sand. Mineral soil with ?limestone fragments. No humus visible. pH: 7.8. Cyclamen repandum.
Habitat: Sparsely vegetated slope with outcropping acid boulders.
Growing Conditions: Open to north, shaded only by steep slope to south. C. repandum did not extend to any extent into the dense scrub at the top of the slope. (Slope of scrub 22°).
Associated Plants: Cistus salvifolius, C. creticus, Lathyrus aphaca, L.sylvestris, Hedera helix, Crataegus monogyra, Muscari comosum, Geranium robertianum, Poterium sanquisorba, Taraxacum officinale agg., Rubia peregrina, Quercus ilex, Smilax aspera, Arbutus unedo, Polypodium cambricum, Asparagus acutifolium, Pistacia lentiscus.
Note: Rock appeared to be acid sandstone capped by granite. Many/most flowers going over.
23/04/03. North of Bonifacio. On D60 towards Campagru.
Altitude: 75m., Shade: 0-100%, Aspect: North-northwest, Slope: 45°, Soil: Sand with scattered leaf fragments. Lumps of limestone present. pH: 7.8. Cyclamen repandum.
Habitat: Two part habitat: Under low woodland of Quercus ilex. Open bank amongst grasses and small (grazed or cut) shrubs.
Growing Conditions: Well drained, open on slope, 100% shade in woodland.
Associated Plants: Slope: Grasses, Hederahelix, Psoralea bituminosa, Lathyrus sp.,Mosses, Asphodelus aestivus, Allium triquetrum, Asparagus acutifolius, Hieracium sp., Plantago lanceolata, Polypodium cambricum, Medicago orbicularis, Ophrys sp.. Grazed/cut specimens of: Pistacia lentiscus, Cistus salvifolius, C. monspeliensis, Erica arborea, Viburnum tinus, Quercus ilex, Arbutus unedo, Myrtus communis, Teline monspessalana. Wood: Geranium robertianum, Hedera helix, Viburnum tinus, Banbarea sp., Pistacia lentiscus, Arbutus unedo, Smilax aspera.
23/04/03. East coast, inland from Moriani Plage. South of San Nicolao.
Altitude: 280m., Shade: 90%, Aspect: North-northeast, Slope: 70°, Soil: Gritty sand. Pure fibrous loam. pH: 6.0. Cyclamen repandum & C. hederifolium.
Habitat: Very steep slope, woodland below mixed deciduous and evergreen trees and shrubs. Also near vertical (85°) slope below woodland over schistose rocks.
Growing Conditions: Woodland deep shade, tubers in thick humus layer over sandy mineral soil.
Associated Plants: Trees etc: Fraxinus ornus, Hedera helix, Erica arborea, Quercus ilex, Arbutus unedo, Cistus salvifolius, Rubus fruticosus agg., Smilax aspera, Cytisus scoparius, Galium rotundifolium.
Herbs: Orchis sp., Allium triquetrum, Polypodium sp., Trifolium pratense, Geranium robertianum, G.lucidum, Bellis perennis, Arisarum vulgare, Vicia sp., Stellaria media, Linum bienne, Galium mollugo, G. saxatile, Rubia peregrina, Potentilla sterilis, Lotus corniculatus, Viola alba, Luzula sp.
23/04/03. Castagniccia. South of Cervione, below Cotone and Chigliacci.
Altitude: 305m., Shade: 100%, Aspect: North, Slope: 80°, Soil: Humus-rich sandy clay. Near 100% fibrous organic material. pH: 6.6. Cyclamen repandum & C. hederifolium.
Habitat: Steep bank below mixed deciduous woodland (Arbutus, Castanea).
Growing Conditions: Short herb layer, scattered shrubs. Often growing in shallow humus layer over rocks.
Associated Plants: Teline monspessulana, Pteridium aquilinum, Dryopteris cf. dilitata, Potentilla sterilis, Hedera helix, Allium triquetrum, Fragaria vesca, Lathyrus sp., Galium laevipes, Teucrium scorodonia, Fraxinus ornus seedlings, Lonicera periclymenum, Euphorbia anygdaloides, Galium mollugo, Urtica dioica, Vicia sp., Clematis vitalba, Hypericum sp., Viola alba ssp. dehnardtii, Erica arborea, Luzula sp.,Digitalis sp.,Lathyrus cf. hirsuta, Ranunculus ficaria, R. arvensis. Much of site likely to be over-run by bracken.
24/04/03. Castagniccia. On D71 from Cervione to Piedicroce, north of Pie d’Alesani.
Altitude: 685m., Shade: 50%, Aspect: North-northwest, Slope: 45°, Soil: Gritty clay. Silty mineral soil with grey schist particles. Low organic content. pH: 6.5. Cyclamen repandum & C. hederifolium.
Habitat: Deciduous woodland, mostly Castanea. ‘Grazed’ by cattle & pigs. Cyclamen therefore often in vertical (or steep) soil/rock slopes beside road.
Growing Conditions: Moderate slopes, with the average 45° slope (i.e. slopes 23°-67°) extensively churned up by pigs, and Cyclamen etc only in odd places where pigs found it difficult due to tree boles, fallen bracken, boulders etc.
Associated Plants: Viola alba ssp. dehnadtii, V. odora, Cruciata laevipes, Dryopteris sp., Ranunculus repens, R. ficaria, Allium triquetrum, Potentilla sterilis, Hedera helix, Helleborus argutifolius, Euphorbia anygdaloides, Quercus ilex seedlings, Cardamine hirsuta, Lonicera etrusca, Luzula sp., Erica arborea, Asphodelus aestivus, Bellis syl- vestris, Glechoma hederacea, Galium mollugo,Urtica dioica, Mercurialis perennis, Taraxacum officinale agg., Mentha sp., Pteridium aquilinum, Clematis vitalba, Muscari sp., Geranium lucidum.
Note: Open patches dominated by brambles and bracken, and occasionally fallen Clematis.
24/04/03. Castagniccia. North of Piedicroce, near Ponte Bianco on both sides of the road.
Altitude: 320m., Shade: 100%, Aspect: North-northeast, Slope: 5°, Soil: Brown loam. Silt with much-decomposed organic material. pH: 6.0. Cyclamen repandum & C. hederifolium.
Habitat: Deciduous woodland with tall Corylus understorey. Canopy of Castanea (many dead) and the occasional Fraxinus.
Growing Conditions: Below canopy, equally in glades and under closed canopy. Extensive regeneration of Castanea. Site much used for fly tipping and incredibly sordid. Moist. Possibly subject to flooding.
Associated Plants: Lathyrus sp. Seedlings, Geranium sp. seedlings, G. robertianum, Ruscus aculeatus, llex aquifolium, Dryopteris sp., lmpatiens parviflorum, Helleborus argutifolius, Fraxinus seedlings, Castanea seedlings, Pancratium illyricum, Euphorbia lathyris, Ranunculus arvensis, R.ficaria, Viola sp., Scrophularia nodosa, Primula vulgaris, Buxus sempervirens, Muscari comosum, Tila seedlings, Verbascum sp., Clematis vitalba, Rubus fruticosus agg.
25/04/03. Castagniccia. Between La Porta and the turning to Ficaja.
Altitude: 575m., Shade: 100%, Aspect: North-northwest, Slope: vertical, Soil: Clay over schistose rock. Fibrous organic material with ‘sand’ and flakes of grey schist. pH: 7.1. Cyclamen repandum.
Habitat: Vertical (or near vertical) rock bank at roadside. Slope below Castanea sativa woodland.
Growing Conditions: C. repandum in soil pockets and mini-slips of soil held in place by rock ledges or bound by roots.
Associated Plants: Violaalbassp.dehnadtii, Cruciata laevipes,Stellaria media, Geranium robertianum, G. lucidum, Galium mollugo, Erica arborea, Rubus fruticosus sgg., Cardamine hirsuta, Luzula sp., Teucrium scorodonia, Fragria vesca, Clematis vitalba, Hypericum sp. seedlings, Hypochoeris sp., Rubia peregrina, Dryopteris sp., Erodium cicutarium, Hedera helix, Primula vulgaris, Bellis perennis, Arbutus unedo, Epilobium sp. cf. montanum, Prunus sp. seedlings, Peltigera polydactyla, Cerontium sp., Smilax aspera, Vicia sp., Hieracium sp., Origanum vulgare.
25/04/03. Castagniccia. North of Piedicroce, on D46, west of Ponte Bianco towards Verdese.
Altitude: 330m., Shade: 100%, Aspect: North west, Slope: level to 10°, Soil: Clay to Brown loam over schist. Sandy loam with some humus. pH: 7.7. Cyclamen repandum & C. hederifolium.
Habitat: Mixed deciduous woodland – Castaneasativus, Fraxinus, Corylus (to canopy). Understorey of Crataegus, Prunus spinosa, Quercus ilex, Buxus sempervirens, Rubus fruticosus agg., Hedera helix, Lonicera etruscus, llex aquifolium. Humid river valley.
Growing Conditions: Cyclamen repandum & C. hederifolium on woodland floor amongst boulders and tree roots. Deep leaf litter and moss layer. Little bare soil.
Associated Plants: Lichens (epiphytes), Ramalina spp, Lobaria pulmonaria, Hepatica triloba, Cruciata laevipes, Fragaria vesca, Geranium robertianum, G. lucidum, G. sp., Pteridium aquilinum, Luzula sp., Ruscus aculeatum, Sanicula europaea, Primula vulgaris, Stellaria media, Dryopteris cf. dilitata, Cardamine hirsuta, lmpatiens parviflora, Asplenium trichomanes, Viola odorata, V. albas sp. dehnadtii, Vicia sepium, Helleborus argutifolius, Teucrium scorodonia, Urtica dioica, Rosa sp., Clematis vitalba, Erica arborea.
26/04/03. Castagniccia. Between Piedicroce & Folelli, West of junction with D236a to Casanova.
Altitude: 160m., Shade: 90%, Aspect: North, Slope: 55°, Soil: Sandy clay. Yellow-brown mineral soil with particles of grey schist and twig fragments. pH: 6.3. Cyclamen repandum & C. hederifolium.
Habitat: Divided site: At base of vertical roadside cutting, plants in soil gathered in gutter. Steeply sloping woodland/grass at roadside. Both over acid schistose rocks.
Growing Conditions: Moist shaded soil pockets from rock crevices to areas of 2-3 sq.m. below slopes. Small rivulet crossing site – whole site approx 30m above river level.
Associated Plants: In gutter (no Cyclamen on rock face): Bellis sylvestris, Alnus sp., Luzula sp., Fragaria vesca, Hedera helix, Erica arborea, Galium rotundifolium, Viola odorata, Fraxinusornus, Cladonia chlorophaea, Hieracium sp., Blechnum spicant, Dryopteris sp., Hypericum tetrapterum, Geranium molle, Taraxacum officinale agg., Clematis vitalba, Polytrichum & other bryophytes.
In grassland pockets: Bellis sylvestris, Alnus sp., Fragaria vesca, Hedera helix, Galium rotundifolium, G. mollugo, Viola odorata, Fraxinus ornus, Cladonia chlorophaea, C pyxidata, Hieracium sp., Dryopteris sp., Hypericum tetrapterum, Geranium molle, G. robertianum, Taraxacum officinale agg., Clematis vitalba, Helichrysum italicum, Origanum vulgare, Pteridium aquilinum, Rubus fruticosus agg., Hypericum sp., Potentilla sterilis, Rubia peregrina, Buxus sempervirens, Quercus ilex, Crataegus monogyra, Cruciata laevipes, Prunella vulgaris, Cardamine hirsuta, Ranunculus bulbosum, R. paludosus, Lapsana communis.
26/04/03. Castagniccia. Between Piedicroce & Folelli. West of Pont d’Acitaja.
Altitude: 120m., Shade: 100%, Aspect: North, Slope: 5°, Soil: Brown loam. Mainly fibrous organic material with small proportion of fine sand & gravel. pH: 6.0. Cyclamen repandum & C. hederifolium.
Habitat: Woodland, closed canopy, with wild boar. Also, in fallen debris at roadside some 6m below overhanging woodland edge. [Woodland inaccessible, records therein made at a distance.].
Growing Conditions: Woodland floor apparently continuous leaf litter with little herb layer. Roadside – fallen soil and weedy spp.
Associated Plants: In woods: Bramble, Hedera helix, Quercus ilex seedlings.
At roadside: Sundry ephemerals and other weedy species, Ranunculus macrophyllus, R. sp., Vicia sp., Cruciata laevipes, Geranium robertianum, Galium apanine, G. mollugo, G. rotundifolium, Viola odorata, Allium triquetrum, Plantago lanceolata, Origanum vulgare.
Note: Much cut scrub on woodland floor.
26/04/03. East coast, inland north of Moriani Plage. Ravine de Chiora, southeast of Pero-Casevecchie.
Altitude: 455m., Shade: 80%, Aspect: North west, Slope: 33°, Soil: Clay over schistose rocks. Silt with much-decomposed organic material. pH: 5.4. Cyclamen repandum & C. hederifolium.
Habitat: Mixed deciduous woodland: Fraxinus ornus, Ostrya carpinifolia with low understorey of holly and Ruscus aculeatus.
Growing Conditions: Amidst leaf litter on woodland floor, and on rocky bank along unmade track.
Associated Plants: In woodland: Prunus avium, llex aquifolium, bramble, Fraxinus ornus, Ruscus aculeatus, Primula vulgaris, Helleborus argutifolius, Dryopteris sp., Hedera helix, Clematis vitalba, Lonicera etrusca.
On bank: Urtica dioica, Mentha aquatica, M. rotundifolia, Bellis sylvestris, Primula vulgaris, Helleborus argutifolius, Dryopteris sp., Hedera helix, Clematis vitalba, Lonicera etrusca, Allium triquetrum, Scolopendricum vulgare, Geranium robertianum, Ranunculus ficaria, R. paludosus, R. bulbosus, Hypericum tetrapterum, Sanicula europaea, Erica arborea, Trifolium repens, Crataegus monogyra, Viola odorata.
01/07/03. Valle d’Asco. East of principal bridge over river, on south side of valley, at roadside.
Altitude: 970m., Shade: 50%, Aspect: North east, Slope: 45°, Soil: Sandy rock debris. Silty gravel with low level of much-decomposed organic material. pH: 6.3. Cyclamen repandum.
Habitat: Sparse Pinus nigra woodland with scrub understorey with rock outcrops in NE facing stream gulley on SW side of main valley. C. repandum growing at edge of scrub.
Associated Plants: Digitalis, Teline monspessulana, Pteridium aquilinum, grasses, Helleborus argutifolius, Rubus fruticosus agg., Mosses.
02/07/03. Gorge de Restonica, on SW side of Pont de Tragone.
Altitude: 950m., Shade: 50%, Aspect: West northwest – North northwest, Slope: 55°, Soil: Grey loam. Mainly fibrous organic material. pH: 5.3. Cyclamen repandum & C. hederifolium.
Habitat: Mature Pinus nigra ssp. laricio forest on sloping valley side with rock outcrops. Understorey burnt off by fire 2+ years previously.
Growing Conditions: Dry at time of visit with higher plants challenged by Pteridium aquilinum and grasses.
Associated Plants: Pinus nigra ssp. laricio, Pteridium aquilinum, grasses, mosses, Helleborus argutifolius, Erica arborea, Digitalis sp., Rubus fruticosus agg., composites.
02/07/03. Gorge de Restonica, East of Pont de Tragone.
Altitude: 940m., Shade: 30%, Aspect: North east, Slope: 45°, Soil: Loam with charcoal. Very sandy mineral soil, quartz and granite present. pH: 7.1. Cyclamen repandum.
Habitat: Mature Pinus nigra ssp. laricio forest with understorey burnt off by fire 2+ years previously.
Associated Plants: Pinus nigra ssp. laricio, Pteridium aquilinum, grasses, Helleborus argutifolius, Castanea sativus, Erica arborea, mosses, composites, Digitalis sp., Euphorbia sp.
Acknowledgements. We would like to thank for their assistance, without which the field study could not have taken place: Max Debussche of the Centre d’Ecologie Fonctionnelle et Evolutive, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Montpellier, France; Bernard Rond, Directeur Regional de !’Environnement de Corse, Ajaccio; and Mlle Laetitia Hugot of the Conservatoire Botanique National Mediterraneen de Porquerolles, Corte.