Cyclamen Society Field Study: Andros, Greece 2004

Following reports at the time, a newly published book on endemic plants of the Peloponnese recorded a spring flowering cyclamen on the islands Andros, Tinos, lkaria and Samos, across the Aegean Sea. The included site maps showing several dots overlapping on the centre of Andros. Moreover, the text added, ‘Verified as occurring on Andros and Tinos’.
Further investigation suggested that four sites of C rhodium ssp. peloponnesiacum had been precisely located in the 1960’s and herbarium samples taken.
A small field study to visit Andros was undertaken by Peter and Nick Moore, after an exhaustive search they found no trace of any spring flowering species but they did find C. hederifolium. 5 sites were surveyed and 3 plants collected.

A later study of 1960 herbarium samples of the reported C rhodium ssp. peloponnesiacum, did unfortunately confirm a misidentification of C. hederifolium. An article covering the full story was published in the Cyclamen Society Journal Vol. 30 No. 1, June 2006.

CSE Plants Andros Greece, 2004.

CSE Plant No.Site No.SpeciesDescription
04012G04/04GC. hederifolium
04013G04/04GC. hederifolium
04013G04/04GC. hederifolium

CSE Sites in Andros Greece, 2004.

01/05/04 Apikia, Petalo Mountains, Andros. 1.8km from junction and Agia Marina Monastery.
Aspect: East facing, Slope 1:1 but in a flat terrace. 90% tree cover Acer sp.
Species: C. hederifolium.